Thursday, August 28, 2014

Purpose Of The Myth

Myths usually answer four fundamental questions for a certain culture. They include the following: Who am I? What is the nature of the universe in which I live? How much control do I have over my own life? How can I reconcile myself to the inevitability of death? Myths also usually contain four themes. They are often about how the first parents are the gods of sky and earth, a creator god that fashions the first humans from parts of the earth, a god that destroys the earth with a flood, or some heroes who are the children of gods that posses powers, kill monsters, and have an unusual death. According to myths the beginning of the universe, for most major cultures, was a chaotic mass that a god or pair of gods separates. Then the gods multiply and a creator god brings life. Hero myths and epics are primarily to teach normal people the appropriate attitudes, behaviors, and values of that culture. Ordinary people can often identify with heroes because they still have human weaknesses or similar psychological needs and can be seen as ourselves, yet larger and grander.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Research Paper

Predetermined Personalities 

According to what esteemed psychologists and scientists have discovered each and every one of us actually have our own personalities and mindset based on our birth order. Many people actually have personalities that contain many similarities to others in their birth order. My own personality can testify for the research’s accuracy. Based on the research I am a youngest child and many of the qualities listed pertain to me also.
What the research says about youngest children’s personality matches up with mine quite well. As a youngest child should be charming and a people person. I believe the research was accurate in this aspect. I feel that I usually am a people person. For example at my church a leader usually comes up to me to make a new kid my age feel welcome. The research also says that as a youngest child I will have a bit of a rebellious streak in me. Sadly, I also agree with this conclusion made by the research. I often do a lot of little things that won’t get me into a lot of trouble to continuously nag at someone I either dislike or don’t respect. I’m sure some of my past teachers and parents can vouch for my confession.
However, while a lot of the research may be almost spot on there are some findings that I feel do not reflect well upon the accuracy of the research. As a youngest child short term rewards motivate me and I carry a “Do it now and worry later” mindset. This is one of the only findings I do not agree with. I am a planner and long term goal setter. Although I try to live a worry free life, I don’t carry a mindset like that because it will almost always turn into headache worth of worry in the end. I analyze my actions and decide based upon what I feel will let me spend as much time as possible worriless.

Once again to represent the accuracy of the research it states that as a youngest child I have career opportunities in show business and other professions that require an onstage performance. These are career opportunities that I can see myself pursuing and making a life out of, especially because of the fact that I am very comfortable speaking to crowds no matter the size. While the rest of my peers may dread oral presentations I enjoy presenting them, just not making them. Being a youngest child I am supposed to find motivation in words praise and encouragement. This part of the research also defines me very well. I can think of many times where either on the field, court, or in the pool a coach has acknowledged my good work and I feel better about my actions. All it takes is a bit of encouragement and I reenter any situation with a renewed vigor.

The research gives specific attributes, mindsets, and personalities that most children of a certain birth order should contain. As you can see by the correlation between my own life examples, attributes, and mindset there is definitely some truth behind these studies and their findings. After reading and then realizing that I actually contain some of these traits myself, I can use what I know about each birth order to work more cohesively with those of other birth orders. My own life reflects the accuracy of the birth order research findings.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Latin Roots #1

1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
2. ali, alter: another, other
3. am: at/ to love
4. anim: life, spirit, soul
1. Agenda - a list, plan or outline of things to be done
Responsible adults often use an agenda to log and keep track of their daily events.                  
2. Agile - quick and well coordinated in movement    
Athletes spend many hours training to become agile and out do other players.
3. Alienate - to make indifferent or hostile
To protect his dictatorship Kim Jung Un chose to alienate North Korea from the rest of the world.    
4. Altercation - a heated or angry dispute
Temperamental people often find themselves involved in an altercation when they lose control.    
5. Amiable - having or showing pleasant good natured qualities
Most people have a grandparent that is amiable and showers them with love.

6. Amorous - inclined or disposed to love                                    
Many people can vouch that hormones often make us feel amorous.

7. Animated - full of life, action, or spirit; lively; vigorous                       
You can see Andrew visibly become animated when he talks about basketball.      
8. Equanimity - mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain              
Good leaders show equanimity during chaotic situations in order to assure others that things are under control.
9. Inalienable - not transferable to another or capable of being repudiated
In the US we all have rights that are inalienable no matter the circumstances.
10. Inanimate - lifeless, spiritless dull
Children often become emotionally attached to inanimate objects that carry sentimental meaning.
11. Magnanimous - generous in forgiving an insult or injury, free from petty resentfulness
According to the bible Jesus taught others to be very magnanimous.

12. Reactionary - pertaining to favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change                                      
A lot of older people that believe in strict tradition and culture can be considered reactionary.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Birth Order Traits

What the Research Says
Personal Reasons Proving Inaccuracy or Accuracy
As a youngest child I am charming and a people person.
I believe the research was accurate in this aspect. I feel that I usually am a people person. For example at my church a leader usually comes up to me to make a new kid my age feel welcome.
As a youngest child I should be rebellious.
Sadly, I also agree with this conclusion made by the research. I often do a lot of little things that won’t get me into a lot of trouble to continuously nag at someone I either dislike or don’t respect.
As a youngest child I have career opportunities in show business and other professions that require an onstage performance.
I feel like these career opportunities would suit me very well. I am very comfortable speaking to crowds no matter the size. While the rest of my peers may dread oral presentations I enjoy presenting them. Just not making them.
As a youngest child my motivating factors include praise and encouragement.
This part of the research also defines me very well. I can think of many times where either on the field, court, or in the pool a coach has acknowledged my good work and I feel better about my actions. All it takes is a bit of encouragement and I reenter any situation with a renewed vigor.
As a youngest child short term rewards motivate me and I carry a “Do it now and worry later” mindset.
This is one of the only findings I do not agree with. I am a planner and long term goal setter. Although I try to live a worry free life, I don’t carry a mindset like that because it will almost always turn into a lot of worry in the end. I analyze my actions and decide based upon what I feel will let me spend as much time as possible worriless.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflections On Week 1

So far I haven't had any problems with getting all my work done. The only factor I do see affecting my participation would be my schedule. This year water polo training is getting to be quite intense so I end up exhausted by the time I get home. 

My awesome best learning experience occurred in Target. I was getting ready to go on a trip to a church camp so I was picking up some snacks. I turned the corner into an aisle in search for some sunflower seeds. As I did a really old man, probably about 70, saw me and put his hand in his pocket. As I neared him he pulled out a butterscotch candy and tossed it at me. At the moment I was completely oblivious to the old man and just noticed a yellow ball coming towards me. I tore my hands out my pockets and barely succeeded in catching it. I looked up to see where it came from and the old man just said, "Wow nice catch! But keep your hands out of your pockets son. You'll never know what you'll miss out on in life if you walk through it with your hands in your pockets." Astonished I kinda just stared until he raised his hand and made a fist. I couldn't leave the dude hanging so we fist bumped and I muttered a thanks and went on my way. While walking away I realized what exactly he meant and what I just learned. From the experience the most important thing I learned was in our crazy world how are you ever supposed to catch an opportunity that's flying by if you walk through it with your hands in your pockets. 

For this class I am most excited about the new relationships I can build with my new classmates and Mr. Ostini. So far I've come to realize that English teachers can either be the best people and provide you with so many good memories, or the exact opposite. I'm not really worried about the opposite because it seems like I'll leave this class with a whole lot of new memorable experiences. I actually look forward to learning how to write very well. I enjoy writing but its a bit hard for me to get my thoughts down on paper. I think when I can get exactly what I want to say down on paper in a respectable and educated manner it will open up a lot of doors for me, either in school or in a workplace. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

My Six Words

My Six Words
#AFaçadeUnderstoodOnlyBySquad #MrOWorldLit
I chose these six words because most people don't know anything about my past and I don't let people know because they usually feel the need to pity me. Which I absolutely hate. Hence the part about a façade. The only people that do truly know about me have been there for me and had my back. Like my squad.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

First Blog

I never thought I would actually have a blog, just testing it out...