Sunday, December 14, 2014

Latin Roots #7

Roots & Derivatives
1) Duc(t), Duce (to lead): Conduct, reduce, education, abduct, deductive, ductile, induction, deduce.
2) Fed(er), fide(e) (faith, trust): Federal, confidence, affidavit, infidel, bona fide, confide, confederate
3) Fine(e) (end, limit): Finish, confine, define, infinitesimal, affinity, infinity, finial
4) Flect, Flex (to bend): Deflect, reflex, reflector, flexibility, genuflect, flexor

Word List
1) Aqueduct: A large pipe or other conduit made to bring water from a great distance.
The Romans were such a successful civilization because of their ability to transport water through aqueducts across their entire empire. 
2) Conductive: Tending to lead, help, assist, or result in.
Leaders tend to be quite conductive people for they must assist others through their obstacles. 
3) Definitive:  A completely accurate, reliable, and authoritative; decisive or conclusive.
His finger prints on the weapon used to murder the man was definitive proof that he was guilty.
4) Fidelity: A faithfulness to one's promises or obligations; steadfast faithfulness, technological faithfulness.
Adultery can also be considered infidelity for it is unfaithful. 
5) Fiduciary: An individual who holds something in trust for another; a trustee.
We used a mutual friend as our fiduciary for our wager.
6) Finale: A "grand" conclusion, as of a performance; the last scene of a play.
After the finale all the actors came out and took a bow during a final applause.
7) Finite: A limited or bordered by time or by any measurement; measurable.
There is no finite amount of numbers. 
8) Flexuous: Winding in and out; bending or wavering.
The young sapling was quite flexuous during the storm.
9) Inducement: Anything used or given to persuade or motivate; an incentive.
With the promise of a candy bar as an inducement I had my younger siblings cleaning the house in no time.
10) Inflection: A slight change in tone or modulation of the voice, as in a point of emphasis. 
In an attempt to foreshadow what would happen next I changed my inflection for certain words in the story. 
11) Perfidious: Characteristic of one who would intentionally betray a faith or trust; treacherous.
Because he only ever sought opportunities that would only benefit himself he had no second thoughts about giving the lock combination away for a few thousand dollars.
12)Traduce: To speak falsely of; to slander or defame; to disgrace another's good name; to vilify.
Our department manager called a meeting because one of our colleagues has been spreading rumors and traducing the name of our other colleagues. 

Joy Luck Club Essay Choice #9

Face of Conformity & Non-Conformity
“I think about our two faces. I think about my intentions. Which is better? If you show one, you must always sacrifice the other.” Lindo Jong the mother of Waverly Jong says this after realizing that her daughter has lost all the cultural values that she tried so hard to instill into her. Upon looking at her daughter’s face and her own she notices the obvious similarities and while they are almost identical she can see the subtle differences etched, by the American culture. Lindo Jong only briefly elaborates on the two faces that she can portray. One is her “American face.” This is the face that Americans think is Chinese, the one they cannot understand. On the other hand is her “Chinese face” the one that her daughter despises. Each of these faces represents either conformity or non-conformity.

Her “American face” represents the times she chooses to conform and play the oblivious foreigner. This face is blank and child-like for it must come off as ignorant. Her “Chinese face” is the face that she chooses when she stands firm in her beliefs and doesn’t care what others think. This face is battle hardened, prepared, and cultured for it is put into use when Lindo will not take no for an answer. We all use our own versions of these faces but they are our face of conformity or non-conformity.

Lindo also says, “One always sacrifices part of oneself by putting on one’s ‘American face’ or one’s ‘Chinese face.’” This is the same when one conforms and doesn’t conform to the societal standards. The wearer of the Chinese face is someone who is standing firm in their beliefs because they find the standards set forth by society to be unessential to their well-being. By doing this they gain a sense of pride for they did not need society to tell them what to do. The wearer of the American face is someone who decided to allow the pressures of society to overcome them and conform. However the wearer of the American face also gains something. They gain the reverence of society and fit in to the culture they live in just fine. However, donning one face means sacrificing something from the other. The wearer of the American face is sacrificing all of their beliefs, ethics, and morals. When they put on the American face they conform to the standards set forth by society and do not think for themselves. The wearer of the Chinese face also is at a loss for they sacrifice all relevance to society, will be shunned, and condemned to a life of scrutiny and ridicule.

Inside all of us is a face we wear when we conform to the pressures of society and another face we wear when we decide to put our foot down and stand strong. While each has its benefits it also comes with sacrificing part of oneself. We are constantly faced with a choice and must decide to pick a face that will benefit us the most. However, wearing one face for too long can mean that you have sacrificed the other face or part of yourself.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Leppard Man Questions

9. Tom Leppard is called Leopard Man because he has tattooed his entire body in leopard print and he often lives/acts like a wild animal.
10. The author thinks people with extreme tattoos and piercings are attention seekers and he thinks this because he believes some people are psychologically dependent on others opinions.
11. Leopard Man is different from other tattooed and pierced people because he doesn't desire people's reactions, he is the way he is because it makes him happy.
12. Leopard Man lives in solitude in a small cabin in the Scottish wilderness.
13. According to Feys society fears people who are different from the majority of the crowd and they fear them because they do not understand them.
14. The "worlds most common but dangerous psychological disorder" is conformity. Conformity is the worse disorder because it can lead to the suppression and destruction of one's self.
15. Leopard Man is so happy because he is doing what he enjoys and he is not subjected nor does he care about the opinions of society.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Diction Handout

Low Or Informal Diction
1) Grind, drop in, crossed up, dunked on.

Elevated Or Formal Diction
1) Undeterred by any though of rejection or ridicule.
Undeterred: Unable to be discouraged or restrained from acting
Rejection: The act or process of rejection
Ridicule: Speech or action intended to cause laughter
Others discouragement could not stop him.
2) An elevated tone makes the person seem stronger and larger than life while after paraphrasing the passage the person seems to be cut down to size.

Abstract & Concrete Diction
1) Happiness, time, freedom, fighting
2) Conrad may have left the captain, ship, and crew nameless because they either may not have carried much relevance or because he wanted these characters to be flat and static.

Denotation & Connotation
1) The denotative meaning of the title The Secret Sharer  means someone who is giving something to another without anyone knowing
Haggard and thin
Like a corpse
In the dark
Threatening or menacing
Whitish complexion
Lacking color
Having a luminous appearance
Enduring under great trails
Shockingly frightful
Horribly done
Without a head
Of or like a fish
Adapted to the water