Thursday, October 23, 2014

Latin Roots #5

Roots & Derivatives

1. Cent(i) (Hundred): Century, centipede, centennial, centigrade, centimeter

2. Cid(e), Cis(e) (cut, kill): Homicide, incision, suicide, scissors, circumcise

3. Clam, Claim (cry out, declare): Clamor, exclaim, proclaim, disclaim

4. Cord, Cour (heart): Accord, courage, encouraged, cordiform, cordate

Word List

1. Bicentennial: (related to) A celebration of a two hundredth anniversary; happening once in a period of two hundred years or lasting two hundred years.

After 200 hundred solid years of quality service the clothing line had a bicentennial celebration.

2. Centenarian: A person who has lived to be one hundred years old.

Still breaking records and astonishing people all over the world there is a centenarian who competes in triathlons and marathons.

3. Centurion: A Roman officer commanding one hundred men; related to the military mind, especially as it favors military solutions for handling social problems.

Although there was plenty in the army, centurions played an important role in the empire of Rome’s conquest around the Mediterranean Sea.

4. Clamorous: Characterized by continuous loud and complaining voices; noisy complaining; insistent.

After the accidental gas leak at the school there have been a continuous flow of clamorous calls from parents concerned about their children’s wellbeing.

5. Concise: Covering much in few words; brief and to the point; specific.

After coming to terms with our procrastination we can all find spark notes concise summaries to be a life-saver.

6. Concordance: A condition of harmony or agreement; an alphabetical index indicating reference passages, as from a writer’s works.

For the fundraiser to be legal and safe it must fall in concordance with the city’s health and safety regulations.

7. Cordial: Of the heart; warm and friendly; amiable.

Despite having such a hard breakup I found her family to still be quite cordial when we ran into each other at the market.

8. Discordant: (sounding) Harsh or inharmonious; clashing.

With so many musicians missing practice for various reasons the orchestra sounded nothing but discordant.

9. Genocide: The systematic extermination of an ethnic group.

Most acts of genocide are made upon an ethnic group that some political leader has used as a scapegoat.

10. Incisive: Keenly penetrating, cutting into.

With years of studying under his belt the physicist was easily able to incisively solve the equation.

11. Proclamation: An official statement or announcement that informs or honors.

King Creon’s first proclamation was to ban the burial of Polyneices.

12. Reclaim: To claim again; to restore to former importance of usefulness.

Despite having no proof that it was his horse, Blevins, Grady, and Rawlings still snuck into the town to reclaim what was rightfully theirs.

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