Friday, November 7, 2014

Into Antigone

Upon waking up and only remembering a few uncanny and eerie sequence of events I think my first reaction would be to use an acronym I learned from one of Bear Grylls’ many survival shows. That acronym is S.T.O.P. it stands for, T.ake stock, O.bserve, and P.lan. After applying that acronym to my situation I would have come to a realization. I would have come to realize that I only have two options. Either I leave my brother to rot and let his soul wander aimlessly and desperately around our world, or attempt to bury him in an effort to assist his soul on its way to the underworld. Eventually I feel I would have come to the decision that I must bury my brother for I am quite prideful and would not let someone in my family die an honorable death and only be left to rot without a proper burial.
After a day or two of planning, for I would not enjoy being caught in the act, I would make my move. My plan would be to sneak out in the dead of night because that would be when most are sleeping or on the verge of succumbing to their fatigue. Despite maybe being able to convince my sister to help I would not even try to enlist her into my crime because I would not like to take her down with me if I am caught. Even attempting to convince her would make her an accessory to my crime even if she denies my request. Therefore, alone, I would bee-line my way to the city dump to ensure that I wasn’t being followed. Once there I would survey the scene and decide on the best possible way to get in and out without being noticed. When I finally arrive in I would bury my brother as much as I could to prove to everyone else that whoever had done it was not afraid to be reprimanded. When I finally make it out safe and sound I would go directly to a friend’s house, after washing and destroying evidence, in order to provide myself with an alibi to the crime.

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