Monday, February 2, 2015

Latin Roots #8

Roots & Derivatives
1. Flux(x), Fluct (Flow, Flowing): Fluid, influx, flush, fluctuate, influence, influenza, fluent

2. Fort, Forc (Strong): Fortress, forceful, reinforce, comfortable, effortlessly

3. Frater(n) Fratr (brother): Fraternity, fraternal, fraternalism, confraternity

4. Fus, Fund, Found (Pour, Melt): Transfusion, funnel, refund, fountain, confusion, foundry, fusion

Word List
Affluent: Flowing with wealth and riches; prosperous; a flowing stream; as a tributary.
Everyone was feeling quite affluent since the super bowl went in favor of their personal bets

Confluence: A coming or flowing together, as of rivers or ideas; a place of joining.
While traveling down the stream we came to a confluence with a second stream which made the current to fast for comfort.

Confounded: To perplex, confuse, amaze, or bewilder.
A blank stare overcame him as he sat there confounded, all his money lost in the last 20 seconds of the game.

Effusive: Pouring forth in an emotional way; unrestrained or overly demonstrative
Once comfort had been established the counseling session became quite effusive and all frustration brought on by her favorite team losing in the superbowl came out.

Forte: One’s special area of accomplishment or performance; one’s strong point.
He spent all his life searching for his calling but out in the dessert the shepherd may have finally found his forte in alchemy.

Fortify: To make stronger to strengthen; to establish defenses
With a break in the war the soldiers took it as an opportunity to fortify their defenses.

Fortitude: Strength of character; patient courage
With the end of the 2nd overtime coming it became evident that skill wasn't going to decide the winner. The team with the most fortitude and perseverance would be victorious.
Fraternize: To associate or socialize in a brotherly fashion; to be friendly with.
Despite past conflicts the team began to fraternize and a sense of brother hood grew.

Fratricide: The killing of one’s own brother; someone who commits such an act
The biblical story of Cain and Able is one fratricide.

Mellifluous: As if flowing with honey or sweetness; like the tones of a honeyed voice
In an attempt to smooth talk her way backstage her voice became quote mellifluous.

Profusion: A pouring forth, as of great numbers; plentifulness; an abundance
After shelling had ceased the enemy attacked and with great profusion.

Superfluous: (Flowing) beyond what is needed; in excess of a sufficiency.
In today's society one can see many people live a superfluous lifestyle.

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