Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Chapter 11 Questions

1. Ralph and the group decide that they must arm themselves and call an assembly in front of the savages. In order to get Piggy's specs and a signal fire going.

2. The twins were "seeing Ralph for the first time" in regards to his leadership. This is the first time Ralph has been an aggressive leader and stepped forth with dominance. A side that most boys have not seen in him.

3. The boy's attempt to get Piggy's specs and a signal fire is an imminent failure for the savages are belligerent and will not listen to Ralph. Especially with Jack as a leader. They come with spears and this already promotes confrontation.

4. Roger pushes the rock off the cliff because of the thrill of throwing the rocks at Ralph gave him. Just as an addict always pursues a greater high. Roger sent the rock over the side of the cliff in an attempt to obtain the feeling he had from throwing the rocks over the side of the cliff just on a greater level.

5. The destruction of the conch symbolizes the definitive end of all civilization. Law and order have diminished under the rule of Jack. Civilization has crumbled without the helping hand of Ralph. The destruction of the conch shows the inherent evil inside all of us taking over and dominating the boys. Their ID personality root has overcome their minds.

6. The boys' all want a chief because it provides them with a security and takes a responsibility off all their shoulders. It provides them with a parental figure that leads them in law and order.

7. How does hunting make you feel?
    If Jack stepped down as chief would you bring peace?

8. Jack is running things now and we all obey him. It really isn't that bad but we mostly do it out of fear. I can only imagine how sacred Ralph will be if he sees what Jack is now capable of. While I liked it better with Ralph as leader Jack is in control and the island is out of control. I feel powerless to stop him.
Rescue definitely sounds great right about now. Who knows what will happen next? I just hope no more blood is spilled. I don't want that on my hands. My best bet is to keep my head down and stay alive. I think the others feel the same way.

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