Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Research Paper

Predetermined Personalities 

According to what esteemed psychologists and scientists have discovered each and every one of us actually have our own personalities and mindset based on our birth order. Many people actually have personalities that contain many similarities to others in their birth order. My own personality can testify for the research’s accuracy. Based on the research I am a youngest child and many of the qualities listed pertain to me also.
What the research says about youngest children’s personality matches up with mine quite well. As a youngest child should be charming and a people person. I believe the research was accurate in this aspect. I feel that I usually am a people person. For example at my church a leader usually comes up to me to make a new kid my age feel welcome. The research also says that as a youngest child I will have a bit of a rebellious streak in me. Sadly, I also agree with this conclusion made by the research. I often do a lot of little things that won’t get me into a lot of trouble to continuously nag at someone I either dislike or don’t respect. I’m sure some of my past teachers and parents can vouch for my confession.
However, while a lot of the research may be almost spot on there are some findings that I feel do not reflect well upon the accuracy of the research. As a youngest child short term rewards motivate me and I carry a “Do it now and worry later” mindset. This is one of the only findings I do not agree with. I am a planner and long term goal setter. Although I try to live a worry free life, I don’t carry a mindset like that because it will almost always turn into headache worth of worry in the end. I analyze my actions and decide based upon what I feel will let me spend as much time as possible worriless.

Once again to represent the accuracy of the research it states that as a youngest child I have career opportunities in show business and other professions that require an onstage performance. These are career opportunities that I can see myself pursuing and making a life out of, especially because of the fact that I am very comfortable speaking to crowds no matter the size. While the rest of my peers may dread oral presentations I enjoy presenting them, just not making them. Being a youngest child I am supposed to find motivation in words praise and encouragement. This part of the research also defines me very well. I can think of many times where either on the field, court, or in the pool a coach has acknowledged my good work and I feel better about my actions. All it takes is a bit of encouragement and I reenter any situation with a renewed vigor.

The research gives specific attributes, mindsets, and personalities that most children of a certain birth order should contain. As you can see by the correlation between my own life examples, attributes, and mindset there is definitely some truth behind these studies and their findings. After reading and then realizing that I actually contain some of these traits myself, I can use what I know about each birth order to work more cohesively with those of other birth orders. My own life reflects the accuracy of the birth order research findings.


  1. I agree with your point referring to your comfortablility of speaking infront of numerous persons, from an audience perspective.

  2. Bruh, u keep it 100, well done with the writing, very well typed. I agree with this because it is saying the truth, some people may not like the truth, but they have to deal with it.

  3. From my perspective I totally agree with you in saying that you have a rebellious side to you. You enjoy saying what is on your mind and you stand firmly on your beliefs and opinions.

  4. I must agree you have amazing public speaking skills as well as a strong personality. Although I beg to differ on your claim to be charismatic... jk totes kidding. Great job, very well written. Especially liked the smooth transitions.
