Monday, September 8, 2014

Journal Post

I'm more of a person that usually keeps to myself and I actually really love to be alone. However, I would prefer to live in a big city rather than a small town. If I could pick a specific place I'd prefer to live in one of these really larger apartment buildings because I love the sense of camaraderie like you would experience in a small town. Also heavy traffic would mean walking/skating to school or work wouldn't be an inconvenience. The US would be my first choice of countries to live in, but I wouldn't mind living in another country. I'd like a big city in the US because you are exposed to a lot of different culture just as you would in another country. Whether or not I live near or far from my family is a hard decision because there are many pros and cons to both lifestyles. Living far from my family would mean I would truly be on my own, without any other insight on how to live my life. I'd enjoy this because I have always been a very independent person and like being completely on my own. On the flip side, living far from family means I have absolutely no one to have with me. For the first few months I would be pretty lonely until I built strong relationships with other people in my area. Living near my family would mean I could constantly visit and always have a place to go. However, it would also mean having my parents breathing down my neck and trying to micromanage my life, which is what I absolutely hate. Where I live will most likely depend on where I'm working or going to school, but one can always dream, and these places are where I dream to live.


  1. I feel like this a very easy post to relate to. As I was reading through it I found multiple things that I agreed with. The only problem I saw was your lowercase I's, other than that good job.

  2. Being alone can really open up your mind. I totally believe the pros/cons about living with or without your family. Independence can really strengthen and test a person's resilience.
