Thursday, September 4, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives

1. Anni, Annu, Enni: year, yearly

2. Aqua, Aque: water, marine

3. Arm: weapon, weaponry

4. Art: art

Word List

1. Aqua - A water, liquid, or solution.
Many fish that are used for our food supply are grown in aqua farms.
2. Aquaculture - The cultivation of aquatic animals and plants, especially fish, shellfish, and seaweed, in natural or controlled marine or freshwater environments.
There are many possibilities and discoveries waiting to be made in the world of aquaculture.

3. Aqueous - Of, like, or containing water.
The goo we made in science class was very aqueous.

4. Armada - A large group or force of vehicles.
The United States has one of the best navy armadas out of the entire world.

5. Armature - Armor.
Our soldiers use vehicles layered in armature to prevent from hostile attacks.

6. Armistice - A temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties; truce.
In the better interest of both countries and their citizens the two leaders declared an armistice to save innocent lives.

7. Artifact - An object made by human beings, especially with a view to subsequent use.
The highest priced item from the estate sale was an artifact that was hundreds of years old.

8. Artifice - A clever trick or stratagem; a cunning, crafty device or expedient; wile.
In mythology there is often a character who attempts some type of artifice to betray the hero.

9. Artisan - A person skilled in an applied art; a craftsperson.
After years of practice and lessons the once apprentice could now be considered an artisan.

10. Millennium - A period of 1,000 years.
My goal is to impact the world so much that after a millennium my name will be remembered

11. Perennial - Lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring.
With new discoveries daily we will be able to build safe perennial structures all over the world.

12. Superannuated - Retired because of age or infirmity.
After years and years of great work our first forklift was superannuated by decision of the department.

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