Monday, September 22, 2014

Myth Final Study Session: Homer The Blind Poet

Main Characters
In the story of Homer the Blind Poet there are only two major characters. Homer the blind storyteller who traveled around and composed epic poems, which would eventually become two of the most well-known myths around the world, and his young unnamed helper that assisted him in various aspects.

The story of Homer the Blind Poet didn't have a specific setting because he was a traveling storyteller. However, we do know that when Homer was in town the next few nights would consist of a feast where Homer was pampered and then prompted to tell a story. All that came out to listen would gather around a fire and wait eagerly while his helper tuned his harp. Then he would begin to weave a complex poem while playing the harp and never breaking meter. Homer told stories so enticing that most would forget the time and stay out listening in a trance until the fire had died down to mere embers.

All we truly know about Homer is that he traveled from town to town searching for a place to stay and eat in payment for his storytelling. He traveled with a helper who assisted him in every day actions that a blind man would need help with. Throughout his years of storytelling he has been accredited with composing classic myths that live on today; such as Odysseus and Iliad.

We decided that there was no conflict in the story.
What Does the Myth Attempt to Explain?The myth attempts to explain how the human voice is the first instrument to be played and will always be heard from generation to generation. Homer entrapped the minds of people from city to city, no matter what their origin or social status, while he recited countless stories that he had created and memorized to the sound of a harp and fire crackling.
Now we can also use the myth as an insight to the Greek social structure because traveling storytellers were the very first celebrities. They were welcomed in any city and lavished with food and gifts for their stories of adventure. Also the myth gives us a first-hand experience of what entertainment was like for this ancient culture.

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